Saturday, November 28, 2009

Publicity PR for Mom and Kids Events

Promo copy for Mom and Kids activities which includes mixers, workshops, fitness lessons and community events

Aqua Classes for Moms and Babies
Check out a series of Aqua programmes for mums and babies at Safra! The classes are an ideal environment for mothers and their new babies to bond, for children to begin to socialise and for whole families to spend quality time together.

Inspire Mum Pre-Natal Pilates Exercise
InspireMum Pre-natal Pilates is an ideal workout for mums-to-be due to their many benefits associated to core muscles necessary to support the baby. As your pregnancy progresses, InspireMum™ Pre-Natal Pilates helps to increase your strength, flexibility and endurance. The five layers of muscle, which make up the pelvic floor, become stronger and therefore, resisting tears. By strengthening the lower back muscles, the posture during pregnancy is improved, helping to minimize low back strain. Improved circulation leads to more energy and can lessen haemorrhoids, varicose veins and swelling of extremities. Strengthening the pelvic floor can also reduce urinary incontinence. It also lengthens the tight muscles, like the hamstrings, means fewer leg cramps.

Mommy Mingle Mixer
Meet Moms of all ages with our super Sunday Mommy Mingle Special - a weekly event at Athena that welcomes moms with babies, toddlers, tweens and even teens!

A fun way to expand your mommy network, share parenting tips and ask for advice on child care.

We also have a mommy open market where you can shop chic baby items, toys, clothes, books and maternity items.

All moms gets a free lovin' bundle pack from Kaboodle and Kids. Register early through our online form.

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