Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sample Media Release for Sports Event

In celebration of the upcoming 5th Community Athletic Games in Grasse, California, the highly-charged athletic event is now being organized by the Bay Area Volunteers. This year's event is dubbed the “Strength in Numbers” in the spirit of sportmanship and fairplay.

Participants can look forward to rubbing shoulders with Olympic athletes and sport icons in the field of basketball, swimming, track and field and pro-golf. Opening ceremonies and multi-games will be held at the San Marino Stadium at downtown Fairways.

Registration for the 8km Fun Run and Sportsfest are now open. Marathon training clinics will be set up for all participants. Try-outs will be held for those who want to take part in niche competitions in Akido, Dodgeball, Jujitsu and Greco-Roman Wrestling.

At night, festivities will continue at the Ringo Park where an open air carnival will showcase performances by indie rock bands and folk singers. People of all ages and athletic abilities are welcome to celebrate and be part of the historic event by joining the event line-up at the 5th Community Athletic Games.

All proceeds of this event will go to Athletes Who Can, a beneifit organization with support programs for athletes with disabilities.

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